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St George’s Hospital Gazette, volume labelled 1913-1914 (overlaps with volumes XXI and XXII)

'Volume labelled 1913-1914, October 1913-October 1914, overlaps with volume 21 and 22, unnumbered'; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.1, 'Contents', List of Contents; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.1-3, 'School Notes', Proposed Merger and move of Hospital; Review of Book, ‘Round the World and Back’ by Dr Ivor Back’s visit to China; Dr Collier’s clinical classes on Nervous Diseases; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.3-4, 'October 1st', Introductory Address by William Osler; Annual Dinner at Prince’s Restaurant chaired by Mr W. Adams Frost; Retirement of Dr Slater; Proposed amalgamation with Westminster Hospital; Retirement of Mr Friend; Addresses by Dr Rolleston, Dr Trevor, Dr Drury Pennington, Mr Grellier; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.4-11, 'St George’s Hospital Club', List of Officers and Council of St George’s Hospital Club 1913-14; Council’s report 1912-13; Hunterian Society recent meetings; Recent sporting events; New sports ground at Cottenham Park Road, Wimbledon; Accounts of the club: List of rules of the Club; Production of the Gazette; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.11, 'The Hunterian Society', President for 1913-14 Dr Fedden; Programme for forthcoming year; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.12, 'Misunderstandings', Satirical Poem in the manner of Daily Mail’s Muse; Swish

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.12, 'Nursing News', Appointments of Nurses to other Hospitals and Organisations; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.13, 'Hockey Club Fixtures', Upcoming Hockey Club Fixtures and list of officers of the club; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.13-14, 'Appointments', Appointments to Offices at Royal College of Physicians; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.14-15, 'The Services', Appointments of St George’s staff to the Forces and RAMC; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.15, 'Examination Results', Results of recent examinations; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.15, 'Changes of Address', Changes of Address of Staff and Alumni; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.15, 'Births', A Daughter to Otto Grunbaum; A Daughter to Dr C Anders Ryman; A son to Captain D G Carmichael; A daughter to J Lynn Allen; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.15, 'Death', 13th September 1913 Thomas Gwyn Elger aged 30; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.16, 'Review', Book Review; Tuberculin in Diagnosis and Treatment by Drs Bandelier and Roepke; Unknown author

Vol XXI. Issue 7. pp.vii, 'Classified Advertisement', Request for additional subscriptions to cover financial deficit; Unknown author

St George's Hospital Medical School Committee 1896

Meeting minutes. Each set of minutes includes headings for subjects discussed:

1st June 1896, Communication from the board; House Office; Assistant to the Medical Registrar; Assistant Dental Surgeon
22nd June 1896, House Officers; Surgical Registrar; Mr. Arthur Latham
6th July 1896, Quarterly Reports; Hospital Records; Ophthalmic Department; Casualty Department;
5th October 1896, House Office; Quarterly Reports; Special Out-Patients Departments; Next Meeting
2nd November 1896, Letters; Maternity Department; Jenner Memorial; Outgoing House Officers
7th December 1896, Letters; Obstetric Assistant; House Office; Assistant to Medical Registrar; Anaesthetists; Hospital Records
21st December 1896, The Late Chairman; Minutes; Appointments; Rules of Retirement of the Staff; Maternity Transfers; Skiagraphs [X-rays]; Regulations for Anaesthetists
4th January 1897, Retirement Laws; Quarterly Reports; Tallerman Sheffield Apparatus; Supply of Oxygen
1st February 1897, Correspondence; Vacancies in the Staff; March Meeting; Mr. Shield’s Notice of Motion
2nd March 1897, Letters; Surgical Registrar; Curatorship of the Museum
30th March 1897, Correspondence; House Office; Surgical Registrar; Assistant Curator; Assistant Medical Registrat; Out Patient Department; Sick-Room for Nurses; Post Mortem Room
5th April 1897, Quarterly Reports; Lecturers appointed to Medical School Council; Medical Registrar
3rd May 1897, Correspondence
20th May 1897, Election of Matron
3rd June 1897, New Postmortem Room
14th June 1897, Mr. Leonard Grimes; Cancer Institution; Medical Registrar
28th June 1897, House Office; Closing Out Patient Department
5th July 1897, Quarterly Reports; Medical Registrar; Medical Registers; Medical Instruments; Treasurers Report
19th July 1897, Quarterly Report; Anaesthetists; Medical Registrar
4th October 1897, House Office; Privilege of Teaching Pupils in the Wards; Quarterly Reports
1st November 1897, Letters; Surgical Records; Supply of Oxygen to Wards
10th November 1897, Reports
6th December 1897, Correspondence; House Office; Obstetric Assistant
20th December 1897, House Office; Appointments
3rd January 1898, Correspondence; Quarterly Reports; Treatment of Diptheria and Enteric Fever in this Hospital
4th February 1898, Quarterly Report; Hospital Committees; System of Clerkships and Dresserships; Hospital Pharmacopoeia; Impending Vacancy in the Staff; Atkinson Morleys [sic] Hospital; Hypodermic Appliances
19th February 1898, Obstetric Officers
7th March 1898, Crowded State of the Hospital; House Office
14th March 1898, N/A
5th April 1898, Quarterly Reports; Surgical Registrar; Cots for the Wards; Extra beds in the hospital and the opening of the Winchester Ward for Men; Delay in the Surgeries; Laws for the Obstetric Offices
15th April 1898, N/A (no headings)
2nd May 1898, Appointment of Surgical Registrar; Privilege of Teaching in the Surgical Wards; Amendment of the Hospital Laws relating to special officers
16th May 1898, New Pharmacopoeia; Medical Registrars; Delay in the Surgeries; Nursing
6th June 1898, Letters; Curatorship; House Office; Charts & Reports of Patients in the Wards; Surgery Officer; Pathological
24th June 1898, Skiagraphy; Filtered Water; The Medical Registrars; Mr. Eames; Instrument Maker; Disinfection
4th July 1898, Quarterly Reports; Curator; Surgical Registrar; Medical Registrars; Laringoscopy in Wards; Skiagraphy; Instrument Maker
3rd October 1898, Quarterly Reports; Inspectorship of Medical Instruments; House Office; Surgery Officer; Assistant Curator of the Museum; Assistants to the Medical Registrar; Medical Coaching Class; Purchase of Drawings; Carbolic Acid etc.; Draft Regulations for Clinical Clerks & Dressers
20th October 1898, Massage; Surgery Officer
31st October 1898, Resolution of Surgeons re House Office System; Dr. Lee Dickinson
7th November 1898, Letters; Quarterly Reports; Obstetric Assistant; Dr. Cavafy
5th December 1898, Correspondence; Secretary of the Hospital; The Obstetric assistancy; Skiagraphy; Nursing; Appointment of House Officers etc. (Obstetric Assistant; House Office; Assistants to the Medical Registrars); Regulations for House Office;
19th December 1898, New Member; Correspondence; Appointments; Privilege of Teaching in the Medical Wards; Report of Sub-Committee on Regulations for House Office;
2nd January 1899, Quarterly Reports; Regulations for the Surgery Officers
6th February 1899, Professor Clifford Allbut; Rontgen Rays; Laryngoscope; Administration of Medicine and Chart Records; Lecturer in Pathology
6th March 1899, Letters; House Office; Assistants to the Medical Registrars; Milk and Tuberculosis; Hot Air Treatment; Surgery Officer; Cases for Surgical Dressings; Erysipelas; Out-patient Dressers; Hospital Pharmacopoeia; Rontgen Ray Apparatus
20th March 1899, Greville Apparatus; Carbolic Acid; Assistant House Surgeons’ Work; Appointment of Physicians or Surgeons to the Skin Department; House Office; Hospital Pharmacopoeia; Obstetric Department
10th April 1899, Correspondence; Skin Department; Regulations for House Office; Operating Table; Boxes for Holding Dressings; Quarterly Reports
1st May 1899, Obstetric Department; Quarterly Reports; Regulations for House Office; Laws for Special Officers
5th June 1899, Correspondence; Skin Department; Order of Procedure for Obstetric Beds; X-ray Apparatus; House Office; Assistants to the Medical Registrars; Special Officers; Hospital Pharmacopoeia; Notice of Motion (on the distribution of beds); Increase in Number of Obstetric Beds
13th June 1899, Proposed Increase in Obstetric Beds
26th June 1899, Correspondence; Hours of Medicines; Distribution of Beds – Proposed Rearrangement of In-weeks
10th July 1899, Correspondence; Cold Chamber; Hospital Pharmacopoeia; Hours of Administration of Medicines
25th September 1899, House Office
9th October 1899, Assistant Curator; Postmortem Cards; Surgery officer; Milk supply; Delay in the Surgeries; Alteration in Hours of Attendance; Quarterly Reports
6th November 1899, Quarterly Report; House Officer; Gas Cylinder; Deficiency of Women’s Beds; Open-air treatment of Phthisis [tuberculosis]; Resolutions of the Surgical Staff; Enteric Fever; Clinical Diagrams
28th November 1899, Notices of Operations; Mr Dent; Lectureship in Surgery; Curatorship; Distribution of Beds
4th December 1899, Correspondence; Distribution of Beds; House Office; Assistants to the Medical Registrar; Communications from the Board (Appointment of Curator; Dressing of Outpatients; Maternity Letters); Sub-Committees
18th December 1899, Cocaine; House Office; Curatorship; Anaesthetists; Demonstratorship of Anatomy; Medical Registrars; Obstetric Assistant; Surgical Registrar; Tuberculosis
8th January 1900, Letters; Curator; House Office; Quarterly Reports; Outgoing House Officers
5th February 1900, Quarterly Report; Curatorship and Assistant Curatorship; Steriliser for Instruments; Surgery Officer
5th March 1900, Communication from the Board (Notifiable Diseases; Beef Tea; Electric Apparatus); Medical Registrar; House Officers Leave; Hospital Committees; Prevention of Consumption; Mr Jeffreys; Fees for Certificates; Distribution of Beds
19th March 1900, House Office; Medical Registrar; Distribution of Beds
2nd April 1900, Quarterly Reports; Outgoing House Physicians; Testing of Thermometers
7th May 1900, Beef Tea; Assistant Curator; The Medical Register; Reports upon House Officers; Fancy Diet
7th June 1900, Meeting of Physicians and Surgeons
11th June 1900, Meeting of Physicians and Surgeons
11th June 1900, Dr. Grünbaum; High Current Machine; Outpatient Rooms; Assistants to Medical Registrars; House Office; Obstetric Assistant; Massage for Outpatients; Instruction for Nurses; Electric Battery
25th June 1900, Resident House Office; Surgery Officer; House Office; Practical Surgery; The Museum; Outpatient Dresserships; Meeting of Physicians and Surgeons
2nd July 1900, Quarterly Reports; Distribution of Beds; Medical Instruments; Haemoglobinometer; Out-going house officers; Radiograms; Practical Surgery; Quarterly Reports; Election of an Assistant Surgeon
30th July 1900, Surgical Registrar; Dr. Fenton
8th October 1900, Chairman; Quarterly Reports; Communications from the Board; Interpretation of Regulations; House Office; Assistants to the Medical Registrars; Suspension of Order 4; Certificates to House Officers; Microscopy for Outpatient Department; Open-air treatment
5th November 1900, Assistant Curator; Nursing; Hours in the Wards; Test Room; Microscope for Burton ward; Clinical Laboratory
12th November 1900, Surgical Records; Surgery Dresserships; Outpatient Dresserships; Surgery Dresserships (again); Commencement of Terms of Office; Electric Light – Medical Officers Room; From Mr. Keyser
3rd December 1900, Illness of a House Physician; House Officer; Hour of Visit; Treatment of Phthisis; Allotment of Beds; Surgical Cases in Medical Wards; Enteric Fever
17th December 1900, Appointments; House Office; Communications; Report of Surgeons on the Distribution of Beds; Clinical Laboratory; Notice of Motion
7th January 1901, Correspondence; Quarterly Reports; Surgical Registers; Medical Notes; Medical Registrar; House Officers
4th February 1901, Committees of the Board; House Office; Surgery Dresserships; Medical Registrar; Medical Registration; Tuberculosis; Special Meeting
11th Feburary 1901, Clinical Laboratory
18th February 1901, Clinical Laboratory
25th February 1901, Clinical Laboratory
4th March 1901, Mr. Fedden’s Relief; Out-Patient Department; Surgical Registration; House Office; Artificial Teeth
1st April 1901, Quarterly Reports; Mr. Taylor; British Medical Association; House Office; Window Cleaning; Extra Beds; X-Ray work; Asepsis and Antiseptics; Phthisis; House Officers; Assistants to Medical Registrars
6th May 1901, Quarterly Reports; Correspondence
3rd June 1901, House Office; Obstetric Assistant; The Finsen Treatment; House Surgeon’s Boxes; Law re Consultation; Utilisation of Electricity
17th June 1901, Mr. Ascherson’s Leave; Utilisation of Electricty
1st July 1901, Casualty Officer; White Coats; Quarterly Reports; Utilisation of Electricty; Extra Beds; Allocation of Surgical Beds
11th July 1901, Mr. Longridge; Disinfections; Certificates to House Officers
30th July 1901, Surgeon to Cancer Institute; Correspondence; Resignation of House Officer; Public Health
7th October 1901, House Office; Assistants to Medical Registrars; Surgeon to the Cancer Institute; Outgoing House Officers; Royal Commission on Arsenic; Quarterly Reports
4th November 1901, Minutes; Jenner’s Cow-Skin; Door from Diphtheric Wards; Telephonic Communication; Communication from the Board; Quarterly Reports
9th December 1901, Correspondence; Mr. Fraser’s Certificate; Appointments; Appointment of Anaesthetists; Appointment of Obstetric assistant; House Office; Assistants to the Medical Registrars; Hospital Diets; Communications from the Board; Electrical Department; Notice of Motion
6th January 1902, Anaesthetic Department; Light Treatment of Lupus; House Office; Surgery Officer; Medical Registrar; Hospital Laboratory Work; Ophthalmic Wards; House Office Certificates; Postponed
3rd February 1902, Mr. Abercrombie; Diphtheria Wards; Dr. Hewitt; The Furnishing of the Wards; Communication from the Board
3rd March 1902, Letters; Assistant Dental Surgeon
17th March 1902, N/A
7th April 1902, Quarterly Reports; Out-patient department; House Office; Reports on House Officers
14th April 1902, House Office Certificates
12th May 1902, Quarterly Reports
2nd June 1902, House Office; Assistantship to the Medical Registrars; Obstetric Assistant
7th July 1902, House Office; Surgery Officership; Communication from the Board; Mr. E. D. Bond; Skin Department; Dr. Ewart’s Application to the Board; Regulations for House Office; Report on House Officers; Quarterly Reports
15th July 1902, Report of Sub-Committee on House Office
23rd July 1902, Communications from the Board
6th October 1902, Letters; Quarterly Reports; Mr. Albert; Reports on House Officers; Assistants to the Medical Registrars; Certificates to House Officers; Communications from the Board; Diphtheria Wards; Regulations for House Office; Clinical Bacteriologist
20th October 1902, Re Mr. Coke
3rd November 1902, Letters; Coaching in the Wards; Communications from the Board
10th November 1902, Hypodermic Injections
1st December 1902, FRCS Examination; House Office; Communications from the Board; Business of Council and Committee; Microscope for Crayle & Holland Wards; Beef Tea
15th December 1902, School Secretary; Correspondence; Letters; Appointments; House Office; Medical Registrars’ Notes; Assistants to the Medical Registrars

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An Account of the Proceedings of the Governors of St George's Hospital near Hyde Park Corner, From its First Institution, October 19, 1733 to December 31, 1833

Includes a list of governors and contributors, 'abstract of some bye-laws', reports from committees, finances and accounts of patients.

Bound in a volume of pamphlets inscribed inside the front cover above ex libris of Rev Sydney Smith 'Presented to the House Committee of St George's Hospital by Viscount Knutsford great grandson of Sydney Smith who collected these pamphlets. 1928 Knutsford'.

Other pamphlets in the volume include a synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, 'the Gospel of St John (in Italian), adapted to the Hamiltonian System by an analytical and interlineary translation' and rules and orders of the Taunton and Somerset Hospital

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Financial statements

From 2016, reports combining the annual review and the annual financial statement were produced solely in digital format. Until 2021/2022 there are also printed out documents

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St George's Hospital subscription receipt: Richard Jones

'Received the 12 day of July 1850 from Richard Jones Esq the Sum of Five Guineas (£s 5.5.0) being one years subscription towards the Relief of The Sick, Lame, & Needy in St George’s Hospital near Hyde-Park Corner to Midsummer 1851 for J.V. Thompson Treasurer Wm Lewns Collector’

The illustrated receipt contains several Biblical quotations and a printed notice William Lewns, collector’

Students Payments

Register of students payments; volume provides details of student name, conditions of entry, number of library subscriptions, special classes and fees/payments.

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Medical School Council Minutes and Papers

Minutes of meetings of the Medical School Council. Papers relate to staffing, salaries, funding, committees, costs, curriculum, prizes, examinations, new buildings and facilities, and various other matters.

In 1907 the Medical School Council merged with the Medical School Committee. There was further reorganisation of the medical school administration in 1945 which led to the vision of the Medical School Committtee into a new School Council and an Academic Board. The new School Council met for the first time in October 1946.

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St George’s Hospital subscription receipt: Mr Harpton

'Received the 22 day of Jan[uar]y 1805 from Mr Harpton the Sum of Two Guineas being one years subscription towards the Relief of The Sick, Lame, & Needy in St George’s Hospital near Hyde-Park Corner to Xmas 1805 for J. Burton Esz, J. Gisley[?] Treasurers’

The illustrated receipt contains several Biblical quotations and a printed notice from the Weekly Board in 1799. The bottom of the receipt is inscribed ‘Wm Thompson Collector’

St George's Hospital subscription receipt: Andrew Millar

'Recd the 2 day of May 1761 of Mr Andrew Millar the sum of Two Guineas (£s 2,2) being One Year’s Subscription for the relief of the Lame Sick & needy in St George’s Hospital near Hyde-park Corner ending at Lady Day 1762 by Rich[ar]d Aspinwall Jos[eph] Hudson Treasurers’

The illustrated receipt contains printed inscription ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’

St George's Hospital Medical School Council 1896

Contents of the meetings:

1 Jun 1896, Dr Ogle [John W. Ogle]; Metropolitan Asylum Board; Award of prizes; New buildings
22 Jun 1896, Assistant demonstrator of anatomy
6 Jul 1896, Award of prizes; Distribution of prizes; Treasurers’ report; Test examinations in medicine
20 Jul 1896, Sir Charles Clarke prize; Clinical prizes
5 Oct 1896, Letters; Prizes; Entrance scholarships; New works; Calendar; Prize day; Donation to the School; Test Examinations in medicine; Webb prize; Jenner memorial
12 Oct 1896, Entrance scholarships; William Brown £40 scholarship; New works; Test examinations; Jenner memorial
2 Nov 1896, Letters; Entrance scholarships; William Brown £40 exhibition; Bacteriological laboratory; Entrance porter; Bacteriology fees; Bicycle house; Directory
7 Dec 1896, Letters; Accounts; New works; Distribution of prizes; School porter
4 Jan 1897, The ex chairman; Correspondence; Entrance scholarships; Procedure in appointment of sub-committees; Entertainment
1 Feb 1897, Chairman; Correspondence; Perpetual pupils fees
2 Mar 1897, Dr Cyril Ogle; Correspondence; Lectureship in surgery; Examiners for prizes during the current session; Out-patient dresserships
30 Mar 1897, Correspondence; Henry Charles Johnson prize; Cleaning; Scale of fees; Mr Cope [student]; Vote of thanks
5 Apr 1897, Atlas of Nerves; Museum; Treasurer; Lecturers; Test examiners; Practical medicine; Joint tickets of admission for qualified men
26 Apr 1897, Head of a Maori
3 May 1897, Correspondence; University of London examinations; Assistant demonstrator of anatomy; Maori head; Award of prizes; Annual dinner; Introductory address; Acland & Brodie prizes; Practical medicine
14 Jun 1897, Annual address & dinner; Auditors; Correspondence; Prizes; Prize examinations
5 Jul 1897, Correspondence; Physiological laboratory; Anatomical models; Prize day; Maori head; Prize examinations
19 Jul 1897, Correspondence; Prizes; New post-mortem room; Almanack
4 Oct 1897, Correspondence; Proficiency prizes & certificates; Furniture & fittings; Entrance scholarships
1 Nov 1897, Correspondence; Maori head; Votes of thanks; St George’s directory; School clerk; Entrance scholarships; London University question
6 Dec 1897, Remuneration of the Treasurer and Dean; University of London question; Resolution of meeting of delegates of schools
13 Dec 1897, London University question
3 Jan 1898, Letters; London University question; Conjoint Board Schedule of chemistry; Facilities to qualified medical practitioners; Registration department
1 Feb 1898, Correspondence; University of London Bill; Schedule in chemistry; Museum; Fire-proof storage; St George’s directory
7 Mar 1898, Election of chairman; Correspondence;Complimentary admissions; Examiners for prizes
21 Mar 1898, Correspondence; Conjoint Board curriculum
5 Apr 1898, Letters; Henry Charles Johnson prize; Appointment of lecturers & demonstrators for the coming year; Fees to students who have passed in anatomy and physiology; Chemistry schedule, Conjoint Board; Anatomical department; Appointment of lecturers & demonstrators for the coming year
2 May 1898, Correspondence; Acland prize; Brodie prize
16 May 1898, Correspondence; Pollock prize; Pathological monstrosity; Remuneration of test examiners; Assistant demonstrators for anatomy
6 Jun 1898, Lectureship on electricity; Prizes; William Brown £40 exhibition; Prize notices; Subjects for clinical prizes; Renewed laboratory fittings; 1st of October; Auditors; Anatomical porter
27 Jun 1898, Treasurer’s prize; Treasurer’s report; Vacation duty in the Dean’s department; Materia Medica Museum; Museum porter; Demonstrator in anatomy; William Brown £40 exhibition
4 Jul 1898, Letters;Sir Charles Clarke’s prize; Dissecting room; Library; Demonstratorship in anatomy
3 Oct 1898, Letters; Calendar; Prize day; Entrance scholarships of 1899; Prizes; Alterations in school; Entry of students
20 Oct 1898, Dr Holloway [James M. Holloway ‘of Louisville, Kentucky, USA’]; Conjoint scheme of clinical study; Entrance scholarship examinations; Vaccination
7 Nov 1898, Correspondence; Expenditure
5 Dec 1898, Correspondence; Dr Hobeika [A.H. Hobeika]; The case of Mr F.M. Hand [Frederick Hand]; Regulation concerning dissection; Dr Cavafy’s [John Cavafy] resignation; Lectureships; Annual dinner
2 Jan 1899, Letters; Insurance; Jenner Institute; Third demonstrator of anatomy; Directory; Entrance scholarships for 1899
16 Jan 1899, Third demonstrator of anatomy; Mr Tyndale [house physician]
6 Feb 1899, Correspondence; Jenner Institute; Pathological Laboratory; Appointment of examiners; University of London
6 Mar 1899, Pollock prize fund; Jenner Institute; Appointment of lecturers & demonstrators; Members of Council; University of London
20 Mar 1899, Correspondence; Royal Army Medical Corps; Dr Batten [of the Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street]; Dissection in August; Losses from the School; Photography of Students
10 Apr 1899, Correspondence; Report of the School to the Board; Henry Charles Johnson prize; Assistant demonstrator in anatomy
1 May 1899, Correspondence; University of London; Mr Sich [student]; Mr Grimsdale [Harold Barr Grimsdale]; Brodie prize; Annual celebrations
5 Jun 1899, Correspondence; Prizes; Subjects for clinical prizes; Demonstrator of anatomy; University of London; The library; Annual dinner
26 Jun 1899, Correspondence; Otological Congress; Almanack; Prizes; Auditors; Prize rewards
10 Jul 1899, Letters; Prize distribution; Treasurer’s prize; William Brown exhibition £100; The Treasurer’s statement; Anatomical models; London University commission
25 Sep 1899, Royal Army Medical Corps; Assistant curatorship; Prize day
9 Oct 1899, Letters; Dean’s report; Prizes & certificates; Entrance scholarships; Sir Charles Clarke’s prize; Entrance scholarships in science; Chelsea Clinical Society; Dinner Committee; Pathological laboratory; Demonstrator in chemistry; University commission; Clinical lectures; Postmortem demonstrations
6 Nov 1899, Correspondence; Vote of thanks; Dr Phillips [William A. Phillips]; Concerning a student; Surveyor of taxes; Copy of the original edition of John Hunter’s ‘A Treatise on the Blood etc’
4 Dec 1899, Letters; Lectureships
8 Jan 1900, University of London; Entrance scholarships; Mr Bond’s [student] fees; Lectureship in medicine; Lectureship in Materia Medica; Dr Lazarus Barlow; Demonstrator of anatomy
5 Feb 1900, University of London; Dr Field Hall [J. Field Hall]; Entrance scholarships 1900
5 Mar 1900, Correspondence; University of London commission; Appointment of lecturers & other teachers; Prize examiners; Museum; Re Mr Frederick Garrell Peck [library donation]
19 Mar 1900, Cloakroom attendant
2 Apr 1900, Correspondence; Henry Charles Johnson prize; Assistant demonstrators in anatomy; Case of Mr Munro [George Deans Munro, student]; Eligibility for the Brackenbury prizes; University of London
7 May 1900, The Treasurer; Mr T.C. English [student]; Dr Slater [Charles Slater]; Pollock prize; School servants; Introductory address; Annual dinner; Thompson medal; Clinical prizes; Webb prize; Collection of casts; Surgical class; Mr Fehrsen [A.O.M. Fehrsen, student]
11 Jun 1900, Correspondence; Prizes; Treasurer; Auditors; Library; Chelsea Clinical Society; Mr Leonard Ellis; Pollock prize; Instruction in X-ray work
2 Jul 1900, Treasurer’s report; Assistant Dean; Distribution of prizes; Award of prizes; Conditions of prizes; The teaching of practical surgery
30 Jul 1900, Mr Sheild [Arthur Marmaduke Sheild]; Sir Charles Clarke’s prize
8 Oct 1900, New member; Chairman; Mr Haward [John Warrington Haward]; Medical Sickness etc Society’ Dean’s report; Prizes; Entrance scholarships; Sir Charles Clarke’s prize; Return of fee; Assistant Dean; Blackboards in dissecting room; Election of demonstrator of anatomy; St Mary’s Hospital; Metropolitan Schools of Medicine; Draft re William Brown £40 exhibition; University of London
5 Nov 1900, Correspondence; Report of Committee on the Museum
3 Dec 1900, Letters; Assistant teacher in bacteriology; Demonstrator in anatomy; Present of books; Treasurer’s prize; Museum; Entrance scholarships; Prize distribution; Rules of procedure
7 Jan 1901, Letters; Votes of thanks; Dr Holm [of Copenhagen]; Standing orders
4 Feb 1901, Annual dinner; Mr Leonard E. Ellis [student]; William Brown £40 exhibition; Mr Hubert Sr George Goldsmith [student]; Standing orders; Radiography
4 Mar 1901, Correspondence; Joint clinical scheme; Prize examiners; Appointment of lecturers & teachers; Mr Albert’s proposal
1 Apr 1901, Reports of prize examiners; Fees to advanced students; Annual report; Demonstrators & assistant demonstrators in anatomy; University of London M.B. Examination
6 May 1901, The late Dr Cavafy [John Cavafy]; Correspondence; Prizes; Dr Wichmann [of Copenhagen]; Application for return of fees; 1st October; Dr Slater [Charles Slater]; Prize distribution; Dr Rolleston’s absence [Humphrey Davy Rolleston]; University of London; Dr Bottoni [student]; Brackenbury prize in medicine
3 Jun 1901, Letters; Death of a student [Walter Greig Jack]; Prize distribution; Auditors; Royal Institute of Health; Mr Bain [Donald Bain]; Sinking fund; Mr Alliott [student]; Metropolitan Schools of Medicine; Brackenbury prize in medicine; University of London
10 Jun 1901, University of London
1 Jul 1901, Letters; Treasurer’s statement; Jenner’s relic [Blossom]
11 Jul 1901, Congress in Eastbourne; Tuberculosis Congress
30 Jul 1901, Prizes; Report on clinical teaching in the wards
7 Oct 1901, Correspondence; Scholarships; Sale of books
4 Nov 1901, Letters; William Brown £40 exhibition; Conjoint Board Physics; Vaccination; Complimentary resolutions
2 Dec 1901, Complimentary resolutions; Letters; William Brown £40 exhibition; Entrance scholarship of £85; Peirse-Duncombe benefaction; Practical medicine; St George’s directory; Finance of the school; Notice of motion; Complimentary resolution
6 Jan 1902, Letters; D.P.H. [Diploma in public health] courses; Assistant lecturer in Public Health; Museum of Hygiene; William Brown £40 exhibition; Report on the finance of the school; Museum; Annual dinner account; Communication from the Board
17 Jan 1902, Letters; Position of the school
3 Feb 1902, Treasurer’s prize; William Brown £40 exhibition; Sanitary institute; Entrance scholarships 1902; Maternity department; Report of the Committee appointed to consider the proposal to remove the Hospital to a larger site
17 Feb 1902, Letters; Clinical requirements; Peirse-Duncombe laboratory; Light treatment
3 Mar 1902, Letters; Prize examiners; Appointment of lecturers; Financial position of the school
17 Mar 1902, Finances of the school
7 Apr 1902, Letters; Appointment of demonstrators; Guy’s Hospital scheme of fees; Fees for hospital practice; Advertisements; Henry Charles Johnson prize
12 May 1902, Lectureship in insanity; Brackenbury prize in surgery; Metropolitan Schools of Medicine; Annual report; Introductory address; Annual dinner
2 Jun 1902, Letters; Auditors; Brackenbury prize in medicine & surgery; Mr Fedden [Walter Fedde Fedden]; Lectureship in insanity; Annual distribution of prizes; Brodie prize; Pollock prize
7 Jul 1902, New members; Mr Bond [Edmund Delafosse Bond]; Prize day; Secretaries of annual dinner; Treasurer’s statement; Treasurer’s prize; Mr Cope; Rearrangement of the work of Treasurer and Dean; Joint scheme re entrance scholarships; Prizes
23 Jul 1902, Annual dinner; Webb prize; William Brown £40 exhibition; Sir Charles Clarke’s prize; Pollock prize
6 Oct 1902, October 1st; Letters; St Mary’s Hospital; Prizes; Dean’s statement; Mr Allingham’s [Herbert William Allingham] notice of motion; Condition of the school
10 Oct 1902, Appointment of a Dean; Re financial position of the school
23 Oct 1902, Appointment of a Dean
3 Nov 1902, Complimentary resolutions; Letters; Treasurership; Teaching of anaesthetics; Coaching in the wards; Associated Hospital Scheme
10 Nov 1902, Letters; School secretaryship; Treasurer’s statement
1 Dec 1902, School funds; School secretary; Post-graduate courses; Business of Council & Committee; Remuneration of lecturers; Operative surgery; Purchase of bones; Entrance scholarships; Recognised teachers