SGUL Archives and Special Collections catalogue

Welcome to St George's Archives & Special Collections archival catalogue.

Our archives are a unique learning, teaching and research resource open to everyone.

St George's Archives & Special Collections

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Use this catalogue to discover the archival collections that tell the story of St George's documentary heritage.

To begin your research, use the keyword search box located in the top banner to find specific records, or explore the collections using the options in the browse menu.

For further search tips on how to find things within the catalogue, see our Searching Tips page.

If you would like to copy or reuse any of our online digitised content, information can be found about acceptable usage on our Copyright Terms and Conditions page.

Can't find what you are looking for?

We are continually working to make more information about our holdings discoverable online, but most of our archival descriptions are not yet available via this catalogue.

Please contact us at if you cannot find what you are looking for.

Want to find out more?

For more information about our collections, current projects and opening times, visit our website.

For highlights and more in-depth explorations of our archival holdings, read our blog.